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                             Paintings by Peter Keresztury

All my abstract modern paintings are signed and framed and some are titled. I use acrylic paint on all my canvases on stretchers or on boards.  I custom make most of the frames and paint them to complement the paintings and they are all ready to hang.

            Click each painting to see the Title, Size, and Price.


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Dark Passion, 26 W x 20 H, $250                                                                       

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Absract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
coming together best photo.JPG
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
black magic20240401_111134.jpg
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abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstrac painting by Peter Keresztury
abstact painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
Mixed Emotions, Peter Keresztury.jpg
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
abstract painting by Peter Keresztury
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